Raggning Prevention Committee

Raggning Prevention committee

According to the decision of Supreme Court dated 11/02/2009 and University P.R No. 170 reference No. SW/ 1429/09 dated 21/05/2009 and incidents of ragging in the hostels committed by any students should be strictly punished. If found guilty after inquiry related to ragging, his admission will be cancelled and he will be rusticated form the college. Those students who suffer form ragging incidents in the hostel or college premises must contact the Ragging Prevention Committee urgently and complain to the Vice Principal in writing.

The working of committee is being carried out according to the rules & regulations provided by U.G.C. & Pune University throughout the year. The neccessary information is displayed to students, for their information. Performa for monitoring the directives of Honourable Supreme Court of India on measures against Ragging in educational institute was prepared according to rules & the same was sent to university on 8th Sept 2011. In the academic year 2013-14 no complaint was reported by the committee from any student.
At the beginning of every academic year undertaking was taken from the every admitting student & his parent separately on 100 Rs stamp paper according to format provided by Honourable Supreme Court, UGC & Pune University. This format is provided to them in the college Prospectus. Principal Dr. Arun Andhale & members of the Committee had given all Co- operation for the working of committee throughout the academic year.

Thanking All.
Structure of the committee:
President: Prin. (Dr.) Ashok Bhoite
Chairman : Dr. Dilip Date

1 Prof. Vilias Kumavat
2 Prof. Baban Sahane
3 Prof. Babasaheb .Pawal
4 Prof. Suryakant Shinde
5 Dr. (Mrs) Praffulata Rajmane
6 Prof. Madhav Gaike
7 Head of all the Departments
8 P.S.I of Pimpri Police Station
9 Shri Rajendra Mechkar
10 Shri. Hanumant Newale